Back From Vaca
What's up Met fans?? Wilie back again. After our NLCS non-victory (defeat is not in my vocabulary), I went on a vacation to Sangfupong Beach in Northeastern Cambodia. It was awesome! I stayed at the Asthy Hotel and enjoyed room service. all day and all night (Who knew Cambodians knew how to make the best Orange Julius?!?) Anyway, as I arrived back in the NYC, my assistant coach Endy Chavez gave me a list of the happenings over the winter. I was stunned. I couldn't believe the summer Omar has had so far! I mean, David Newhan!!!! I've wanted him on my team since 1974. I think this will be the best roster move since the Yankees (a team which I formerly played a position for) signed Hideki Irabu. (FYI, in Japan, they called Irabu "Kochiro-san", which apparently translates to "Better than Matsuzaka and Yoshii combined".) Anyway, I am crazy jet-lagged right now. But I will update you with what I hear ASAP! (Okay before I sign off, one last rumor hot off the presses. Omar is looking into trading for Mike Piazza. When you can obtain a talent like Piazza, you have to go for it.) Go Mets!
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's good to see you're back Willie. Let us know how minicamp and Spring training are going.
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
We missed you!!!!!
At 7:50 PM,
Rickey said…
This is Rickey posting on behalf of Rickey. I've started up a new blog. Feel free to post a link to it and Rickey would be happy to do the same.
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
nice contract man.
glad you'll be here for years to come. let us know about ur crazy winter. great to here from ya.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
When's your draft this year?
At 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone,
I don't know if it's the same for all of you but I love the world where we live in, especially for the new technology and at the present time it sounds hard to me to stay without.
The stuff that I like most are those things that I can put in my bag. As you can imagine my mobile phone is really important in my daily life.
I am a fanatic of ringtones. I switch them continuosly so I feel the need to get a new one. The good part is I'm a student so my parents pay for them and further to make a monthly account is not difficult.
Time to go back to study.
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
WTF are you talking about...we're talking about baseball and the mets. you wanta talk about phones go to a best buy blog
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
did you all here about the opening day/yankee game raffle. It sucks! you can only get tickets if you win the raffle. I've been going to opening day for years and now i'm most likely not gonna get them. It should be first come first serve. This blows! I've given them my business for years and now they screw me over, I still love the Mets but i'm pissed.
At 4:08 PM,
Toasty Joe said…
Wait'll Willie sees us! He LOVES us!
At 9:40 AM,
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